Du hast ein WOD verpasst und würdest es gerne nachholen? Kein Problem. Hier sind alle unsere Workouts of the Day aufgelistet.
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
rope jumps
samson stretch/handwalk + push up/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
kb twist
kb pass through
strength/functional (16min)
4 rounds
4 alt turkish get ups @ahap
6/6 kb windmill @ahap
8/8 kb renegade row @ahap
rest as needed
metcon (24min)
4 rounds
20 double unders
10 kb swings 32/24
20 sit ups
1min rest
3 rounds
30 double unders
15 kb swings 32/24
30 sit ups
1min rest
2 rounds
40 double unders
20 kb swings 32/24
40 sit ups
1min rest
1 round
60 double unders
30 kb swings 32/24
60 sit ups
scale 20/12, single unders (x2)
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotation/samson stretch/down dog & seal
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell good mornings @unloaded bar
barbell roll outs
strength (18min)
deadlift work up to a 1rm
metcon (18min)
emom x 18
1. 12 alt db snatches 30/20
2. 12 box jumps 60/50
3. 12/9cal ski
scale 15/10
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
instep stretch + rotation/lateral squat stretch/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
plank hold
arch hold
strength (12min)
work up to a heavy thruster
metcon (18min)
for time
100 thruster 43/30
*emom 5 burpees
scale 30/20
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
samson stretch/handwalk + push up/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
nose to wall handstand hold
tuck sit hang
every 3min x 5
3 strict mixed grip pull ups
6 strict handstand push ups
3 strict mixed grip pull ups
scaled banded mixed grip pull ups, box supported hspu
metcon (18min)
4 rounds
for time
500/400m row
20 overhead squats 50/35
20 sumo deadlift high pulls 50/35
scale 30/20
warm up
3 sets
45sec on/15sec rest
instep stretch+rotation/sumo squat stretch/down dog+seal
30sec on/10sec off
kb hollow hold
db pull through
a) 12/9cal bike
12 double kb lunges 24/16
b ) 15/10cal ski
15 box jumps 75/60
c) 15/10cal row
15 db sit ups 20/12,5
1min rest b/w sets
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
tuck sit hang
barbell roll outs
metcon (38min)
teams of two
amrap 18min
12 power cleans 50/35
6 burpees over bar
12 frontsquats 50/35
24/18cal ski
2min rest
amrap 18min
12 shoulder to overhead 50/35
12 toes to bar
12 box jump overs 60/50
24/18cal bike
scale 40/30, knee raises
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
instep stretch + rotation/lateral squat stretch/twisted cross
prehab (4min)
tabata side plank raises/side
strength (10min)
work up to a heavy power snatch
metcon (20min)
10 rounds
for time
3 power snatches @61/43
15 wall balls 9/6
scale 35/25, 6/4
warm up (6min)
dynamic warm up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
tuck sit hang
wall squats with 2sec pause in bottom
strength (18min)
work up to a heavy 4rm backrack lunges
back off set
emom x 6
2 alt backrack lunges @80% of 4rm
metcon (15min)
3 rounds
4min on/1min off
6 shuttle runs (2x6m)
8 pull ups
10 alt lunges
12 sit ups
scale jumping pull ups
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
rope jumps
handwalk + push up/twisted cross/dynamic bridge
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell roll outs
barbell turkish sit ups
strength (20min)
benchpress cluster
4 sets
2-2-2 reps @climbing
*start first set @72%
10sec rest b/w reps
2min rest b/w sets
metcon (14min)
amrap 14min
30 double unders
10 shoulder to overhead 60/45
10 burpees over bar
scale single unders (x2), 45/30
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
samson stretch/lateral squat stretch/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
wall squats with 2sec pause in bottom
double db top of push up hold
strength (20min)
frontsquat (20min)
every 2min x 8
3 frontsquats @81%
metcon (18min)
emom x 18
1. 3 wall walks
2. 6 double db devils press 22,5/15
3. 12/9cal bike
scale 15/10
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotation/down dog & seal/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell good morning @unloaded bar
tuck sit hang
strength (20min)
every 2:30min x 6
5 reps @85%
4 reps @88%
3 reps @90%
3x 2 reps @93%
metcon (15min)
for time
60/45cal row
20 power cleans 60/45
60 toes to bar
10 power cleans 80/60
scale 45/30, knee raises, 50/35
warm up
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch+rotation/sumo squat stretch/samson stretch
30sec on/10sec off
arch rocks
plank hold
every 4min x 18
1) 650/500m row 10 burpees over erg
2) 650/500m ski
3 wall walks
9 situps
3) 1200/1000m bike
20 a-jumps
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45aec on/15sec off
down ups
samson stretch/instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
db hollow hold
db pass through
metcon (48min)
teams of two
for time
buy in
80/60cal ski/bike
60 burpees over db
12 rounds
8 double db hang power cleans 22,5/15
8 double db frontsquats 22,5/15
8 double db shoulder to overhead 22,5/15
12 rounds
8 double db hang power snatches 22,5/15
8 double db thruster 22,5/15
8 double db def push ups 22,5/15
12 rounds
4 double db devils press 22,5/15
8 alt double db suitecase lunges 22,5/15
8 double db box step overs 22,5/15
cash out
60 burpee box jumps 60/50
80/60cal bike/ski
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
step ups
instep stretch + rotation/lateral squat stretch/down dog & seal
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
wall squats with 2sec pause in bottom
double db side bends
strength (16min)
overhead squat
work up to a heavy 1rm
back off set
every 90sec x 4
2 overhead squats with 3sec pause in bottom @70% of heaviest lift
scale frontsquat
metcon (20min)
for time
70 wall balls 9/6
60 box jumps 60/50
50 toes to bar
40 double db box step ups 22,5/15
30 handstand push ups
20 douible db burpee box step overs 22,5/15
10 bar muscle ups
scale knee raises, 15/10, hand release push ups, burpee pull up, burpee to target
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up/dynamic bridge
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell good morinings @unloaded bar
rower pike ups
strength (20min)
emom x 12
3 deadlifts @climbing
start @75%
5.-8. 2 deadlifts @climbing
start @83%
9.-12. 1 deadlift @climbing
start @90%
metcon (16min)
4 rounds
for time
500/400m row
20 alt db snatches 22,5/15
scale 15/10
rx+ 30/20
warm up (6min)
dynamic warm up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
tuck sit hang
plank hold
strength/gymnastic (15min)
work up to a heavy weighted pull up
back off set
emom x 6
3-4 reps @50% of max weight
scale work up to a max banded pull ups, slowest neg pull up, max chin over bar hold
metcon (12min)
21-15-9 reps
for time
thruster 43/30
pull ups
scale 35/25, jumping pull ups, ring rows
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
samson stretch/handwalk + push up/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell turkish sit ups
marching plank
strength (18min)
work up to a heavy 3rm banded kettlebell barbell shoulder press
back off set
every 90sec x 4
2 banded kb shoulder pess + 30sec top of press hold @85% of 3rm
metcon (16min)
amrap 16min
12 hang power cleans 50/35
12 burpees over bar
12 pull ups
12 air squats
scale 35/25, jumping pull ups
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
sumo squat stretch/lateral squat stretch/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
bottom of squat hold with db
nose to wall handstand hold
strength (18min)
work up to a 1rm
metcon (18min)
3 rounds
for total reps
3min on/3min off
30/22cal bike
10 double db hang power clean & jerks 22,5/15
max wall walks in remaining time
scale 15/10
warm up
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
sumo squat stretch/handwalk+push up/twisted cross
top of push up hold
tuck ups
every 5min x 15
1.)12 swings 24/16
36/24cal row
12 swings 24/16
2.)6 burpee double jump over line
24/18cal bike
6 burpee double jump over line
3.) 12 wall balls 9/6
36/24cal ski
12 wall balls 9/6
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push ups/dynamic bridge
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell turkish sit ups
tuck sit hang
metcon (40min)
teams of two
120/90cal row
120 thruster 40/30
120 toes to bar
60/45cal row
60 hang squat cleans 40/30
60 hand release push ups
30/18cal row
30 shoulder to overhead 40/30
30 burpee pull ups
scale 30/20, knee raises, kneeling push ups, burpee to target
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell top of press hold @unloaded bar
double db bottom of push up hold
strength (15min)
shoulder press
work up to a 1rm
back off set
emom x 5
4 reps @78%
metcon (20min)
for time
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 reps
double db devils press 22,5/15
20/15cal row b/w sets
scale 15/10
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
rope jumps
instep stretch + rotation/down dog & seal/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
wall squats with 3sec pause in bottom
tuck sit hang
strength (20min)
every 90sec x 10
2 reps @88%
metcon (16min)
emom x 16
1. 1 round "cindy"*
2. 40 double unders
3. 10 shoulder to overhead 50/35
4. 15 a-jumps @10cm
*5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
scale ring rows, kneeling push ups, single unders (x2), practice double unders, 40/30
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
sumo squat stretch/lateral squat stretch/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
tuck sit hang
barbell roll outs
strength (20min)
work up to a heavy squat snatch
back off set
every 45sec x 10
1 squat snatch @80%
metcon (14min)
amrap 14min
70 burpees over bar
50 toes to bar
max power snatches in remaining time 70/50
scale knee raises, 45/30
warm up (4min)
2 sets
45sec on/15sec off
samson stretch/down dog & seal
prehab (4min)
hollow hold
arch hold
strength (12min)
teams of two
3 sets
8/8 single arm db bench press
8/8 db windmill
30sec l-sit hang ´
metcon (26min)
2 rounds
for total reps
alt b/w a & b
5min on/2min off
a) 12/9cal ski
12 box jumps 60/50
12 swings 24/16
b) 12/9cal bike
12 alt kb goblet lunges 24/16
12 sit ups
scale 16/12
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
samson stretch/instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell good mornings @unloaded bar
barbell turkish sit ups
metcon (35min)
benchmark "Holleyman"30 rounds
for time
5 wall balls 9/6
3 handstand push ups
1 power clean 100/70
scale hand release push ups. 60/45
warm up
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch+roation/handwalk+push up/twisted cross
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
top of push up hold
tuck ups
every 3min x 24
a) 15/11cal bike
40 double unders
b) 20/15 cal ski
8 burpees on erg
c) 20/15 cal row
4 push up
8 sit ups
12 alt lunges
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
instep stretch + rotation/lateral squat stretch/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
medball plank
db pass through
metcon (45min)
teams of two
for time
120 partner wall balls 9/6
60 alt single arm db devils press 22,5/15
120 burpees over db
60 wall walks
120 sit ups
60 synch single arm db shoulder to overhead 22,5/15
120 pull ups
scale 15/10, jumping pull ups, ring rows
warm up (4min)
2 sets
45sec on/15sec off
step ups
samson stretch/instep stretch + rotation
metcon (65min)
benchmark "chad"
for time
1000 step ups 20/15
scale without weight
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
rope jumps
samson stretch/lateral squat stretch/down dog & seal
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
db bottom of squat hold
db pass through
strength/skill (20min)
pistol squats
back off set
every 2min x 6
10 alt pistol squats
20 double unders
scale feet supported pistol squats, box supported pistol squats, candle stick into pistol,double under practice
metcon (12min)
amrap 12min
8 alt db snatches 25/17,5
8 alt single arm db overhead lunges 25/17,5
8 toes to bar
scale 15/10, knee raises
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
step ups
instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up/down dog & seal
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell good mornings @unloaded bar
nose to wall handstand hold
strength (18min)
4 sets
5 banded deficit (10cm) deadlifts @60% of 1rm deadlift
10 banded hamstring curls @ahap
2min rest
metcon (15min)
4 rounds for time
16 handstand push ups
12 deadlifts 100/70
8 double db box step overs 22,5/15
scale hand release push, 60/45, 15/10
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
samson stretch/down dog & seal/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
top of press hold
hollow hold
strength (20min)
work up to a heavy complex
1 push press +
2 push jerks
back off set
emom x 5
2 push jerk @90% of heaviest complex
metcon (20min)
for total reps
5 rounds
2min on/2min off
12/9cal ski
8 double db hang power snatch 22,5/15
max bar muscle ups in remaining time
scale 15/10,jumping bar muscle ups, chest to bar pull ups, pull ups
burpee to target
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
instep stretch + rotation/lateral squat stretch/down dog & seal
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell turkish sit ups
barbell roll out
strength (15min)
work up to a heavy clean complex
power clean + hang squat clean + frontsquat
metcon (20min)
for time
10 power cleans + 1 frontsquat 60/45
5 burpees over bar
9 power cleans + 2 frontsquat 60/45
5 burpees over bar
8 power cleans + 3 frontsquat 60/45
5 burpees over bar
7 power cleans + 4 frontsquat 60/45
5 burpees over bar
6 power cleans + 5 frontsquat 60/45
5 burpees over bar
5 power cleans + 6 frontsquat 60/45
5 burpees over bar
4 power cleans + 7 frontsquat 60/45
5 burpees over bar
3 power cleans + 8 frontsquat 60/45
5 burpees over bar
2 power cleans + 9 frontsquat 60/45
5 burpees over bar
1 power cleans + 10 frontsquat 60/45
5 burpees over bar
scale 45/30
warm up
3 sets
45sec on/15 sec off
instep stretch+rotation/lateral squat stretch/samson stretch
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
nose to wall handstand hold
hollow hold
every 6min x 12
a)25/18cal bike
10 burpee box jump overs
15/11cal bike
b)30/22cal row
20 medball situps 9/6
20/15cal row
c)25/18cal ski
6 wall walks
15/11cal ski
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
samson stretch/instep stretch + rotation/down dog & seal
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
side plank hold left side
side plank hold right side
metcon (42min)
in teams of two
for time
8 rounds
6 deadlifts 100/70
8 burpees over bar
12/9cal bike
8 rounds
6 frontsquats 70/50
8 chest to bar pull ups
12/9cal ski
8 rounds
6 shoulder to overhead 50/35
8 toes to bar
12/9cal row
scale less weight, pull ups, jumping pull ups, ring rows, knee raises
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotation/down dog & seal/lateral squat stretch
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
medball plank hold
medball twist
strength/functional (16min)
3 sets
5/5 double db bulgarian split squats @ahap
10 alt double db rom deadlifts @ahap
10/10 db single leg glute bridge
10/10 db side plank raises
rest as needed
metcon (18min)
for time
50/35cal row
50 wall balls 9/6
50 box jumps 60/50
35/27cal row
35 wall balls 9/6
35 box jumps 60/50
20/15cal row
20 wall balls 9/6
20 box jumps 60/50
scale 6/4
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
rope jumps
samson stretch/lateral squat strech/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell turkish sit ups
barbell roll outs
strength (20min)
work up to a heavy complex
snatch pull + hang squat snatch + high hang squat snatch
back off set
emom x 8
snatch pull + hang squat snatch 90% of heaviest complex
metcon (12min)
for time
50-40-30-20-10 reps
double unders sit ups
scale single unders (x2)
warm up (6min)
dynamic warm up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
tuck sit hang
kb twist
strength/gymnastic (15min)
skill handstand walk
back off set
5 rounds
5m handstand walk
20sec l-sit hold on paralettes
90sec rest
metcon (18min)
amrap 18min
2 wall walks
6 shuttle runs (2x6m)
10 chest to bar pull ups
14 kb swings 32/24
scale pull ups, jumping pull ups, 20/12
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotation/lateral squat stretch/dynamic bridge
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
wall squats with 3sec pause in bottom
db pass through
strength (24min)
every 2min x 10
1.-4. 3 reps @78%
5.-7. 3 reps @83%
8.-10. 3 reps @88%
metcon (12min)
3 rounds
for total reps
2min on/2min off
4 alt single arm db devils press 22,5/15
8 alt db goblet lunges 22,5/15
max cal bike in remaining time
scale 15/10
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
handwalk + push ups/twisted cross/down dog & seal
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
top of push up hold
bottom of push up hold
strength (20min)
work up to a heavy 2rm pause bench press *3sec pause on chest
back off setemom x 6
2 reps @90% without pause
metcon (14min)
20 rounds
for time
2 shoulder to overhead 70/50
4 burpees over bar
scale 40/30
warm up
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch+rotation/handwalk+push up/samson stretch
30sec on/10sec off
marching plank
tuck ups
every 8min x 9
a)60/45cal row
60 double unders
60m double kb farmers carry 32/24
b)40 wall balls
40/30cal bike
40 kb swings 24/16
c)20 double db burpees 15/10
20 double db lunges 15/10
20/15cal ski
warm up (6min)
2 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
step ups
samson stretch/handwalk + push ups
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
tuck sit hang
double db side bends
metcon (40min)
teams of two
for total reps
amrap 12min
12 double db burpees 22,5/15
12 box jumps 60/50
12 sit ups
2min rest
amrap 12min
12 double db frontrack lunges 22,5/15
12 burpee box jumps 60/50
12 v-ups
2min rest
amrap 12min
12 double db shoulder to overhead 22,5/15
12 double db box step overs 22,5/15
12 toes to bar
scale 15/10, knee raises
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
instep stretch + rotaion/lateral squat stretch/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
tuck sit hang
barbell good mornings @unloaded bar
strength (20min)
work up to a heavy 4rm
back off set
every 2min x 5
4 reps @85%
metcon (20min)
amrap 20min
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
scale banded pull ups, kneeling push ups
Happy Halloween!
warm up (4min)
2 sets
45sec on/15sec off
samson stretch/down dog & seal
prehab (4min)
side plank raises/side
strength (15min)
frontsquatwork up to a 1rm
metcon (25min)
for time
50/35cal row/ski
50 burpees over line
50/35cal ski/row
50 handstand push ups
50/35cal row/ski
50 atl pistol squats
50/35cal ski/row
50 sit ups
scale hand release push ups, feet supported pistol squats, narrow stance squats
warm up (5min)
dynamic warm up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
tuck sit hang
barbell roll outs
strength (20min)
work up to a heavy complex
power clean + hang cluster
metcon (15min)
6 rounds
for time
8 power cleans 60/45
6 thruster 60/45
4 bar muscle ups
scale 40/30, jumping bar muscle ups, chest to bar pull ups
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
rope jumps
instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
double db top of push ups hold
double db bottom of push up hold
strength (20min)
5 sets
6 seated shoulder press @75% of 1rm shoulder press
8 double db def push ups
10 db lateral raises @ahap
rest as needed
metcon (12min)
amrap 12min
6 double db devils press 22,5/15
12 toes to bar
24 double unders
scale 15/10, knee raises, single unders (x2)
warm up
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch+rotation/sumo squat stretch/samson stretch
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
plank ups
hollow hold
every 7min x 9
1)30/24cal ski
20 double db burpee box step over 22,5/15
2)10/8cal bike
20 a-jumps
10/8cal bike
20 lunges
10/8cal bike
3)60/45cal row
20 kb swings 32/24
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
samson stretch/down dog & seal/dynamic bridge
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
tuck sit hang
barbell roll outs
metcon (42min)
teams of two
for time
12 rounds
6 power snatches 50/35
8 toes to bar
6 burpees over bar
100/75cal row
12 rounds
6 shoulder to overhead 50/35
8 pull ups
6 alt barbell backrack lunges 50/35
scale 35/25, knee raises, jumping pull ups, lunges
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotation/down dog & seal/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
hollow hold
arch hold
strength/gymnastic (20min)
skill: bar muscle up
back off set
emom x 10
1. 2-4 bar muscle ups
2. 30sec db flutterkicks @ahap
scale jumping bar muscle ups, floor assaistant bar muscle up, pull up
metcon (14min)
amrap 14min
6 nose to wall handstand push ups
12 single arm db hang power clean & jerks 25/17,5
18/12cal row
scale elevated hspu, box supported hspu, hand release push ups, 15/10
warm up (4min)
2 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
sumo squat stretch/down dog & seal
prehab (4min)
hollow hold
arch hold
strength (20min)
every 90sec x 10
1 reps @88%
metcon (20min)
10 rounds
for time
11 chest to bar pull ups
22 frontsquats 35/25
scale pull ups, jumping pull ups, ring rows, 25/15
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
handwalk + push up/twisted cross/dynamic bridge
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
top of press hold @unloaded bar
marching plank
strength (18min)
split jerk
work up to a heavy 2rm
metcon (20min)
5 rounds
for total reps
2min on/2min off
15/10cal ski
3 wall walks
max push jerk 50/35 in remaining time
scale 35/25, 12/8cal ski
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
rope jumps
instep stretch + rotation/lateral squat stretch/down dog & seal
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
kb twist
kb pass through
strength (18min)
turkish get ups
work up to a heavy turkish get up
back off set
5 rounds
1 turkish get up + 5 kb windmill left side
1 turkish get up + 5 kb windmill rihgt side@75%
metcon (16min)
emom x 16
1. 12 kb high pulls 32/24
2. 40 double unders
3. 12 alt kb goblet lunges 32/24
4. 12 toes to bars
cale 20/12, 45sec double under practice, single unders (x2), straight leg raises
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell good mornings @unloaded bar
barbell turkish sit ups
strength (20min)
deficit deadlift (8cm)
every 2:30min x 5
5 reps @75% of 1rm deadlift
metcon (13min)
21-15-9 reps
for time
hang power cleans 50/35
box jump overs 60/50
shoulder to overhead 50/35
burpees over barsit ups
scale 35/25
warm up
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
sumo squat stretch/handwalk+push up/down dog+seal
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
top of push up hold
plank ups
every 5min x 15
a) 30 box jump over 60/50
25/18cal bike
b) 20 burpees over rower
28/20cal row
c) 5 wall walks
15 air squats
28/20cal ski
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotation/down dog & seal
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
tuck sit hang
db pass through
metcon (42min)
teams of two
amrap 20min
6-12-18-24-30-36-etc reps
ski (cal)
alt db snatches 22,5/15
box jumps 60/50
push ups
2min rest
amrap 20min
6-12-18-24-30-36-etc reps
bike (cal)
single arm db thruster 22,5/15
pull ups
burpees over db
scale 15/10, kneeling push ups, jumping pulls ups
warm up (6min)
2 sets
45sec on/15sec off
samson stretch/handwalk + push ups
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
top of press hold @unloaded bar
kb pass through
strength (20min)
every 90sec x 10
1 shoulder press + 3 push press @90% of 1rm shoulder press
metcon (12min)
e2mom x 6
alt b/w a)&b)
a) 18/13cal bike
10 kb swings 32/24
b) 20/15cal ski
10 single arm kb shoulder to overhead 32/24
scale 20/12
warm up (6min)
dynamisches warm up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
medball plank
medball twist
strength (20min)
work up to a heavy complex
squat clean + hang squat clean
back off set
every 20sec x 15
1 squat clean @75% of 1rm complex
metcon (15min)
amrap 15min
25 wall balls 9/6
20 sit ups
5 hang power cleans 50/35
scale 6/4, 35/25
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
sumo squat stretch/lateral squat stretch/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
rower pike ups
top of press hold @unloaded bar
strength (15min)
work up to a heavy overhead squat
metcon (15min)
GTD Finale Event 2
for time
21 toes to bar
21/15cal row
12 snatches 50/35
21 toes to bar
21/15cal row
9 snatches 60/40
21 toes to bar
21/15cal row
6 snatches 70/50
scale knee raises, 40/25, 45/30, 50/35
warm up (6min)
2 sets
45sec on/15sec off
rope jumps
instep stretch + rotation/down dog & seal
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell good morning @unloaded bar
barbell hollow hold
strength (20min)
every 2min x 6
5 reps @85%
4 reps @88%
3 reps @90%
3x2 reps @93%
metcon (12min)
GTD Finale Event 4
for time
500/400m row
1min rest
5 Rounds
20 double unders
10/8cal row
5 burpees over erg
scale single under (x2)
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
instep stretch + rotation/lateral squat stretch/handwalk + push ups
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
wall squats with 2sec pause in bottom
tuck sit hang
strength (22min)
emom x 5
3 frontsquats @76%
1min rest
emom x 5
2 frontsquats @80%
1min rest
emom x 5
1 frontsquat @87%
metcon (12min)
GTD Finale Event 1
10 rounds
for time
3 bar muscle ups
7 single arm kb cluster 24/16
scale jumping BMU, burpee pull ups, burpee to target
warm up
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch+rotation/handwalk+push up/sumo squat stretch
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
plank ups
hollow hold
every 9min x 6
a) 21-15-9
cal bike
double db box step overs 22,5/15
b) 21-15-12-9
cal ski
kb swings 24/16
c) 21-15-12-9
cal row
wall balls 9/6
*3 burpees b/w sets
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
sumo squat stretch/lateral squat stretch/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
tuck sit hang
nose to wall handstand hold
metcon (40min)
teams of two
for time
buy in
100 burpees over bar
8 rounds
12 power cleans 50/35
8 wall walks
8 rounds
12 thruster 50/35
12 toes to bar
8 rounds
12 overhead squats 50/35
16 kipping handstand push ups
cash out
100 box jump overs 60/50
scale 40/30, knee raises, hand release push ups
warm up (6min)
2 sets
45sec on/15sec off
samson stretch/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell turkish sit ups
barbell roll outs
strength (20min)
every 90sec x 10
snatch pull + below the knee hang power snatch + hang squat snatch @80% of 1rm power snatch
metcon (16min)
emom x 16
1. 12/9cal bike
2.10 sumo deadlift high pulls 50/35
3. 12/9cal ski
4. 10 shoulder to overhead 50/35
scale 40/30
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
sumo squat stretch/lateral squat stretch/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
medball top of push up hold
bottom of medball hold with medball
strength (20min)
work up to a heavy 5rm
back off set
every 2min x 4
3 reps @5rm
metcon (10min)
amrap 10min
8 burpee box jump overs 60/50
12 medball cleans 9/6
scale 6/4
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep strech + rotation/twisted cross/dynamic bridge
prehab (4min)
hollow hold/arch hold
strength (10min)
for quality
10-8-6-4-2 reps
strict pull ups
strict ring dips
scale banded pull ups, seated pull ups, banded ring dips
metcon (25min)
for time
100/75cal row
80 alt db snatches 22,5/15
60 toes to bar
40 alt single arm db devils press 22,5/15
20 bar muscle ups
scale 15/10, burpee pull ups, burpee to target
warm up (6min)
dynamic warm up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
top of shoulder press hold @unloaded bar
db hollow hold
strength (20min)
work up to a heavy push jerk
back off set
every 90sec x 5
4 push jerks @80%
metcon (15min)
8 rounds
for time
8 frontsquats 60/45
16 weighted sit ups 20/15
scale 45/30, 15/10
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
nose to wall handstand hold
barbell good mornings
metcon (25min)
amrap 25min
11 chest to bar pull ups
2 deadlfits 140/100
10 handstand push ups
scale pull ups, jumping pull ups, ring rows, elevated handstand push ups, box supported hspu, hand release push ups
warm up
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
bike/row/ski/rope jumps
sumo squat stretch/instep stretch+rotation/handwalk+push up/twisted cross
hollow hold
arch hold
every 5 min x 20
a)25/18cal bike
20 a-jumps
b)25/18cal row
20 double db box step ups 22,5/15
c)25/18cal ski
5 wall walks
d) 60 double unders
10 burpee pull ups
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
ski/row/step ups
instep stretch + rotation/down dog & seal/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
tabata hollow hold/arch hold
metcon (40min)
teams of two
for time
10 round
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
2000/1800/1600m ski
10 rounds
4 double db hang power snatches 22,5/15
6 alt double db frontrack lunges 22,5/15
8 box jump overs 60/50
2000/1800/1600m row
10 rounds
4 double db burpees 22,5/15
6 double db thruster 22,5/15
12 sit ups
scale 15/10, jumping pull ups, ring rows
"unity challenge"
Event 1
for time
21-18-15-9 reps
burpees over bar
Event 2
for max distance
for max reps
amrap 10min
max distance ski
max reps
4 alt single arm db devils press 22,5/15
4 single arm db thruster 22,5/15
8 toes to bar/knee raises
Event 3
within 8min
1rm snatch complex (2 Athleten)
power snatch + hang power snatch + overhead squat
1rm clean complex (2 Athleten)
power clean + hang power clean + frontsquat
Event 4
two athletes always work together
4 rounds
for time
3 synch wall walks
6 synch box jumps 60/50
9 partner wall balls 9/6
400m weighted run 20/15
for time
Athlete 1&2
cal row pull up
3-2-1 lanes (7m)
single arm synch overhead walking lunges 22,5/15
Athlete 3&4
60cal row
pull ups
6 lanes (7m)
single arm synch overhead walking lunges 22,5/15
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
instep stretch + rotation/lateral squat stretch/down dog & seal
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
medball plank hold
medball twist
strength (20min
)work up to a heavy clean complex
power clean + frontquat + hang squat clean
back off set
every 45sec x 8
power clean + frontsquat @80%
metcon (10min)
150 wall balls 9/6
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
sumo squat stretch/samson stretch/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
rower bike ups
wall squats with 2sec pause in bottom
strength (20min)
every 90sec x 10
1 reps + 1 1/4 reps @82%
metcon (16min)
4 sets
for total reps
3min on/1:30min off
15/11cal row
10 toes to bar
cal row
max burpee to target in remaining time
scale knee raises
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
step ups
samson stretch/down dog & seal/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
double db top of push up hold
double db bottom of push up hold
strength (20min)
every 2min x 8
3 reps @83%
8 alt db renegade row in push up pos @ahap
metcon (16min)
6 rounds
4 wall walks
8 double db push jerks 22,5/15
12 double db step overs 22,5/15
scale 15/10
warm up
3 sets
45sec on/15 sec off
sumo squat stretch/instep stretch+rotation/handwalk+push up
30sec on/10sec off
hollow holdarch hold
every 12min x6
a) 40 wall balls 9/6
40/30cal ski
30 burpee to target
30/22cal ski
b) 30 kb swings 32/24
30/22cal bike
20 kb goblet box step ups 32/24
20/15cal bike
c) 40 db sit ups 22,5/15
40/30cal row
30 hand release push ups
30/22cal row
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
plate hollow hold
tuck sit hang
metcon (45min)
teams of two
for time
6-12-18-24-30 reps
deadlifts 100/70
plate turkish sit ups 15/10
burpees on plate
into4-8-12-16-20 reps
frontsquats 70/50
toes to bar
burpee over bar
into2-4-6-8-10 reps
power cleans 60/45
wall walks
burpee pull ups
scale less weight, knee raises, burpee to target, burpee jumping pull ups
warm up (6min)
dynamic warm up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
bottom of squat hold with kb
tuck sit hang
strength (16min)
every 2min x 6
5 reps @78%
metcon (20min)
benchmark "Nate"
amrap 20min
2 ring muscle ups
4 handstand push ups
8 swings 32/24
scale BMU, chest to bar, pull ups, burpee to target, elevated hspu, hand release push ups, 20/12
warm up (6min)
2 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push ups
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell turkish sit ups
barbell roll outs
strength (20min)
power snatches
work up to a heavy complex
snatch pull + power snatch + hang squat snatch
back off set
emom x 5
power snatch + hang squat snatch @90%
metcon (17min)
amrap 8min
12/9cal bike
6 double db hang power snatches 22,5/15
1min rest
amrap 8min
12/9cal ski
12 sit ups
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
samson stretch/handwalk + push up/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell top of press hold @unloaded bar
barbell turkish sit ups
strength (18min)
shoulder press
5 sets
2-2-2 reps @78% of 1rm shoulder press
10sec rest b/w reps
2min rest b/w sets
metcon (18min)
5 rounds
for time
24 squats
16 burpees over bar
8 shoulder to overhead 70/50
4 thruster 70/50
scale 45/30
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotatiton/handwalk + push up/dynamic bridge
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
medball top of push up hold
rower pike ups
strength/gymnastic (20min)
every 3min x 5
2 pull overs
4 chest to bar
6 pull ups
8 toes to bar
scale pull ups, jumping pull overs, ring rows, straight leg raises
metcon (16min)
emom x 16
1. 12/9cal row
2. 20 wall balls 9/6
3. 10 burpee box jump overs 60/50
4. rest
scale 6/4
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
rope jumps
instep stretch + rotation/samson stretch/down dog & seal
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell good monings @unloaded bar
barbell turkish sit ups
strength (20min)
deadlift8 reps @55%
6 reps @65%
4 reps @75%
3 reps @85%
3 reps @90%
5 reps @80%
max reps @60%
2-3min rest b/w sets
metcon (10min)
amrap 10min
20 double unders
10 alt db snatches 22,5/15
10 alt single arm db overhead lunges 22,5/15
scale 15/10, single unders (x2)
warm up
200m run
3 sets
45sec on/15 sec off
lateral squat stretch/sumo squat stretch/instep stretch+rotation
hollow hold
hollow rocks
conditioning (72min)
9 sets
6min on/2min off
a) 800/600m ski
20 swings 32/24
max distance ski in remaining time
b) 1600/1200m bike10 sandbag squats 45/30
max distance bike in remaining time
c) 800/600m row
200m run
max distance row in remaining time
warm up (8min)
4 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotation/down dogh & seal
twisted cross/samson stretch
prehab (4min)
tabata hollow hold
arch hold
metcon (45min)
teams of two
for time
100/75cal ski/bike
100 wall balls 9/6
100 box jump overs 60/50
100 push ups
100 alt db snatches 22,5/15
100/75cal bike/ski
scale kneeling push ups, 6/4, 15/10
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
instrep stretch + rotation/lateral squat stretch/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
wall squats with 3sec pause in bottom
tuck sit hang
strength (15min)
work up to a heavy complex snatch balance + overhead squat
metcon (7min)
Deutschland Showdown Qualifier 24.4
deadlifts for workload
each time you break/rest
you have to do 5 toes to bar
eacht time you break/rest
you have to do 5 toes to bar
Regular/Teens 16-17
each time you break/rest
you have to do 5 single leg toes to bar
each time you break/rest
you have to do 5 knee raises
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
row/bike/down ups
samson stretch/instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
rower pike ups
kb pass through
strength/functional (15min)
4 sets
8/8 single arm kb half kneeling shoulder press @ahap
4 alt kb turkish get ups @ahap
12 kb twist @ahap
2min rest
metcon (20min)
5 rounds
for total reps
2min on/2min off
25/18cal row
max cal bike in remaining time
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
sumo squat stretch/lateral squat stretch/dynamic bridge
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
wall squats with 3sec pause in bottom
barbell turkish sit ups
strength (20min)
emom x 16
1.-6.: 3 reps @81%
7.-12.: 2 reps @85%
13.-16.: 1 rep @90%
metcon (10min)
for time
25 hang power cleans 70/50
50 frontsquas 70/50
25 hang power cleans 70/50
scale 45/30
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
rope jumps
handwalk/twisted cross/dynamic bridge
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
top of shoulder press hold @unloaded bar
top of push up hold on db`s
strength (20min)
push jerk
work up to a heavy rep
back off set
emom x 6
1 rep @75% with 2sec pause in catch
metcon (12min)
amrap 12min)
12 double db burpees 22,5/15
18 sit ups
30 double unders
scale 15/10, single under (x2)
warm up (6min)
dynamic warm up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
tuck sit hang
alt shoulder taps in push up pos
strength (15min)
work up to a heavy cluster
metcon (15min)
3 rounds
for time
21 pull ups
15 handstand push ups
9 thruster 60/43
scale jumping pull ups, ring rows, elevated hspu, hand release push ups, 40/30
warm up (8min)
200m run
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotaiton/lateral squat stretch/down dog & seal
prehab (5min)
2 sets
30sec on/10sec off
side plank hold left side
side plank hold right side
marching plank
conditioning (80min)
every 5min x 16
a) 500 run
20 wall balls 9/6
b) 700/550m row
10 double db box step overs 22,5/15
c) 1800/1400m bike
10 burpees on plate
d) 700/550m ski
10 plate turkish sit ups @ahap
warm up (6min)
2 sets
45sec on/15sec off
bike/skisumo squat stretch/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
nose to wall handstand hold
tuck sit hang
metcon (42min)
teams of two
amrap 20min
12/9cal bike
6 frontsquats 50/35
6 push ups
4 double db box step overs 22,5/15
6 burpees over bar
2min rest
amrap 20min
12/9cal ski
6 shoulder to overhead 50/35
6 pull ups
4 wall walks
12 sit ups
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
step ups
instep stretch + rotation/lateral squat stretch/dynamic bridge
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
medball plank
medball twist
metcon (35min)
for time
50-40-30-20-10 reps
wall balls 9/6
box jumps 60/50
swings 24/16
scale 20/12
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
rope jumps
samson stretch/lateral squat stretch/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
wall squats with 3sec pauss in bottom
hollow hold
strength (18min)
5 sets
3 reps @70%
rep 1 @4 sec pause in bottom /
rep 2+3 no pause
2min rest b/w sets
metcon (13min)
Deutschland ShowdownQualifier 24.3
for time
5 rounds
10 power cleans 60/40
6 frontrack lunges 60/40
8 burpees over bar
32 double unders
5 rounds
10 power cleans 50/35
6 frontrack lunges 50/35
8 burpees over bar
32 double unders
5 rounds
10 power cleans 40/30
6 frontrack lunges 40/30
8 burpees over bar
32 double unders
5 rounds
10 power cleans 30/25
6 frontrack lunges 30/25
8 burpees over bar
64 single unders
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push ups/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
rower pike ups
tuck sit hang
strength/gymnastic (20min)
every 3min x 5
3 strict mixed grip pull ups
3 nose to wall handstand push ups
3 strict mixed grip pull ups
3 strict hanstand push ups
scale3 banded/seated mixed grip pull ups
3 hand release push ups
3 banded/seated mixed grip pull ups
3 box supported handstand push ups
metcon (25min)
for time
5000m row
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
instep stretch + rotation/down dog & seal/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell good mornings @unloaded bar
kettlebell twist
strength (20min)
3 sets
4 reps @78%
2min rest b/w sets
3 sets
3 reps @83%
2min rest b/w sets
2 sets
2 reps @88%
2min rest b/w sets
metcon (18min)
4 rounds
for total reps
3min on/3min off
10 shuttle runs (2x7m)
10 kettlebell high pulls 32/24
20 sit ups
max cal ski in remaining time
scale 20/12
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
down dog & seal/twisted cross/dynamic bridge
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
top of shoulder press hold @unloaded bar
tuck sit hang
strength (15min)
shoulder press
4 sets
1-1-1-1 reps @93% of 1RM
10sec rest b/w reps
2min rest b/w sets
metcon (16min)
12 rounds
for time
4 double db hang power clean & jerks 22,5/15
6 burpees over db´s
8 toes to bar
scale 15/10, knee raises
warm up
200m run
3 sets
45sec on/15 sec off
instep stretch+rotation/lateral squat stretch/handwalk+push up
3 sets
30sec on/10 sec off
tuck sit hang
tuck ups
conditioning (84min)
e7mom x 12
a) 1x cindy
500/400m row
1x cindy
b) 10 atl db snatches 22,5/15
20 sit ups
1400/1000m bike
20 sit ups
10 alt db snatches 22,5/15
c) 5 wall walks
500/400m ski
5 wall walks
d) 200m run
12 double db burpees 22,5/15
200m run
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
samson stretch/instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell turkish sit ups
plank hold
metcon (40min)
teams of two
for time
80 power snatches 40/30
80 overhead lunges 40/30
80 burpees over bar
80 sit ups
60 overhead lunges 40/30
60 burpees over bar
60 sit ups
60 power snatches 40/30
40 burpees over bar
40 sit ups
40 power snatches 40/30
40 overhead lunges 40/30
20 sit ups20 power snatches 40/30
20 overhead lunges 40/30
20 burpees over bar
scale 30/20, frontrack lunges
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
sumo squat stretch/instsep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
barbell good mornings @unloaded bar
barbell turkish sit ups
strength (20min)
every 3min x 5
3 deadlifts @78%
12 banded glute bridge
metcon (10min)
amrap 10min
20/15cal row
8 thruster 50/35
scale 30/20
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
step ups
instep stretch + rotation/handwalk + push up/twisted cross
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
tuck sit hang
double db side bends
strength (20min)
every 2min x 7
3 push press @78%
metcon (18min)
8 rounds
for time
6 double db burpee box step overs 22,5/15
12 toes to bar
scale 15/10, knee raises
warm up (6min)
3 sets
45sec on/15sec off
down ups
instep stretch + rotation/down dog & seal/handwalk + push ups
prehab (5min)
3 sets
30sec on/10sec off
nose to wall handstand hold
barbell good mornings @unloaded bar
strenght (13min)
work up to a heavy power clean within 10min
amrap 3min
max power cleans @90%
metcon (15min)
21-15-9 reps
for time
deadlifts 100/70
handstand push ups
scale 60/40, elevated hspu, box supported hspu
warm up (6min)
2 sets
45sec on/15sec off
step ups
down ups
samson stretch/lat stretch
prehab (4min)
tabata hollow hold/arch hold
strength/gymnastic (18min)
skill BMU
back off set
emom x 8
1-3 bar muscle ups
metcon (20min
)for time
60 box jumps 60/50
60 pull ups
60 alt lunges
40 box jumps 60/50
40 pull ups
40 alt lunges
20 box jumps 60/50
20 pull ups
20 alt lunges
rx+ weighted vest
scale jumping pull ups, ring rows
Diese Class ist für alle Langhantel-Liebhaber*innen der perfekte Kurs.
In unserer regulären Class trainierst du in kleinen Gruppen und arbeitest an deinen Skills. Ein abschließendes Workout darf natürlich nicht fehlen.
Gemeinsam mit anderen meisterst du Workout of the Days. Und kommst dabei ordentlich ins Schwitzen.
Hoher Puls und schnelle Atmung - in unserer Endurance Class geht es um die Verbesserung deiner Ausdauer.
Während der Open Gym Zeit kannst du unsere Trainnigsfläche und unser Equipment für dein persönliches Training nutzen.
Spielerisch führen wir Kids und Teenager an den Sport heran und machen ihnen Lust auf Bewegung. Ganz klar steht hier der Spaß im Vordergrund.